
Your home should be a place that makes you feel happy, comfortable, safe, and at peace. We live in a hectic, fast paced, go go go World. It is important to be able to come home and feel relaxed. It is hard to do that in chaos and clutter.

I have learned over the years to not allow things to stay in my home that are just taking up space. I have also found that having a place for everything is key. I need to know exactly where to find things when I need them. A label maker is my best friend. Bins and baskets make me happy.

I love sharing tips and tricks to help you feel great in your home too. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design, and I was scared I wasn’t going to find a way to use it after choosing to work for a baby company and mostly stay home with my kids, but I have found it! I can use what I learned to inspire other moms! Yay!

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